Like any vehicle, a mobility scooter can suffer a breakdown regardless of how well it has been serviced. This is something that many users of mobility scooters fear, but there are a number of things that it is possible to do to reduce the risk to yourself if such a thing happens.
If you are living with someone, tell them where you are going and how long you expect to be. So, if for example, you told someone you were just popping down the local shops and you did not return home after, say, 1 hour, that person could know where to look if they became worried about your safety. If you happen to have a mobile telephone you could, of course, let them know that you will be later than originally thought or that you had broken down.
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Due to various disabilities, some users of mobility scooters find verbal communication difficult. If this is the case, it is advisable to always carry a piece of paper with you which has the first name of the person you live with written on it, along with their telephone number.
In the event of your mobility scooter breaking down, you can give this information to someone who is passing or, if you are able to walk a short distance, take it to a shop, or other such place, where someone will be able to call the person named on the piece of paper.
Some mobility scooters are able to be folded up and put in the boot of a car. If this is the case with your mobility scooter, it may be possible for someone to give you and your mobility scooter a lift home by car
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Mobility Scooter Recovery Service
It is possible to take out a roadside recovery policy for your mobility scooter that covers 24 hours a day 365 days a year. The number of times that you are allowed to call out this service will depend on each individual company’s policy, but may be as many as 4 times a year. It is important to be aware, that some companies will cancel your policy, without refund, if you exceed the number of call outs allowed.
Before taking out a roadside recovery policy check it very carefully. Most policies will only cover you for the mobility scooter that you registered at the inception of the policy, so if you change mobility scooters you must let the recovery company know immediately.
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Most recovery staff will also not carry out work on a mobility scooter that is left unattended. The roadside assistance policy will, depending on the level of cover, probably cover carrying out roadside repairs, where possible, and an onward destination service.
Items that may not be covered include any claim within 48 hours of the policy being taken out, a breakdown outside an area of 10 radius miles of your registered home address or the vehicle being used to transport the mobility scooter, a mobility scooter immersed in mud, snow, sand or water. Also the loss of keys to your mobility scooter may not be covered.