There is a huge range of mobility scooters to choose from, ranging from the light weight 3 wheel variety, suitable mainly for short distance trips, to the more substantial 4 wheel type, which are not only usually more robust, but often have a higher speed as well.
How much is a fair price for a mobility scooter? Well, obviously, this will depend on numerous factors. First of all you need to determine what your actual budget is. It is no good hankering after an all singing and all dancing mobility scooter if you do not wish to spend that amount of money.
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Second hand mobility scooters come onto the market relatively regularly and can often be seen in the classified sections of local newspapers or advertised in shop windows. The cost of these can vary considerably, so you need to check the scooter over to ensure that you are not being asked to pay too much for a scooter that may be in need of repair or may be on the old side.
A good way of finding out how much you should have to pay is to ask a mobility scooter dealer how much they would allow you in a part exchange deal, should you wish to use the scooter you are interested in buying. To get a true idea of price, you would need to know the age and condition of the mobility scooter in question and if it has received any replacement parts, such as a new electric motor or new batteries, in recent months.
Obviously, the figure given by the dealer may well be on the low side, as he will probably be hoping to sell the mobility scooter on at a profit, but it should give you a ball park figure to play with.
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Comparing Prices
If you are thinking of buying a second hand mobility scooter through a dealer, it is worth looking around at other scooter dealers in the locality to compare prices. If, for example, two dealers have similar mobility scooters for sale that you are interested in, it may be worth enquiring if the higher price dealer will do a deal to undercut the lower priced mobility scooter dealer. This may mean you only save a few pounds, but every little helps and it depends on how keen the company is too do business and if the mobility scooter for sale has been in the shop for a long time, without anyone showing much interest.
It is also always worth asking a mobility scooter dealer for their best price. Some will not be open to negotiation, but others may be able to do you a good deal that is below the advertised price. Again, it may only save you a few pounds but that is money you can put towards new tyres or batteries for your scooter. If the scooter dealer will not budge on price, and you really want the scooter on offer in their shop, ask if they can throw in a few extras to go with it.
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Before purchasing a second hand mobility scooter, ask the seller about availability of spare parts. Some scooters by the same manufacturer have parts that are suitable for a range of their models, but you need to confirm this. If obtaining replacement components is going to be difficult. it may be worth thinking twice before committing yourself, as you do not want to be stuck with a mobility scooter that you cannot use once a part fails that cannot be repaired or replaced.