Disabled Travel Advice

Insuring a Mobility Scooter

Mobility Scooter Insurance

At present, unlike car drivers, users of mobility scooters are not required to take out insurance before they can drive them. This is presuming that , like mobility scooter users, you only plan to drive on the pavement and don’t use it on the public highway. It may, however, be worth considering the possibility of taking out third party insurance in case of accident or injury to other pavement users or damage to property, caused by your driving. It is also worth thinking about insuring the mobility scooter itself against damage and theft.

If you were to hit someone, or damage someone’s property, in your mobility scooter your insurance will probably pay for your defence, if it was to go to court, and the resultant damages. As ever, you should always confirm exactly what is covered, preferably in writing, with the company you are insured with. That way you can avoid any misunderstandings in the future.

What Is Covered

The cost of repairs, and even the cost of replacing the scooter itself if is too badly damaged, will probably be covered by your insurance policy. Some insurance companies will also ensure that you and your mobility scooter get home safely in the event of you breaking down or being involved in an accident. This can be on a 24 hour 365 days a year basis. You should always confirm this with your insurance company before taking out a policy, so you know what you area and are not covered for.

Often the insurance policy for the recovery service will only usually cover a limited radius from the place which is the registered address of the mobility scooter.

Policy Limitations

There is usually a limit to the number of breakdown calls a mobility scooter user can make during the year. Typically this is around four times. Should you exceed this number of call outs, it is possible that the insurance company could cancel your insurance cover and, even if there is still a few remaining months left on your insurance policy, not offer you a refund for the time remaining. It is important to check this out before taking out the policy and to also ensure that your mobility scooter is maintained, so as to avoid regular break downs.

Most insurance policies will only cover you for the mobility scooter that you insured when the policy commenced, so if you decide to change mobility scooters part way through your policy it is very important that you let your insurance company know of the change in details.

It is also possible that you will not be able to make a claim on the recovery service policy for 48 hours after it commences. Should you find yourself in difficulty and your mobility scooter is covered in mud, snow, sand or water there is a possibility that you will not be covered under your insurance policy, as is if you happen to lose the keys to your mobility scooter.

It is vital that you check your insurance policy in detail.