Bus Travel and the Blind or Visually Impaired

Travelling by bus for many blind and visually impaired passengers can be very difficult, especially at request stops, which are almost impossible for passengers who are blind or visually impaired to use independently. In some cases there have been reports of such passengers walking to compulsory stop bus stops, just …

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Train Travel when Deaf or Hearing Impaired

Train travel for deaf and hearing impaired passengers has improved considerably with the introduction of new rolling stock and disability training for many front line staff. Booking A Ticket When buying a ticket from the booking office at most major stations it is usually possible to amplify sound via an …

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Train Travel when Blind or Visually Impaired

The introduction of modern rolling stock, better station facilities and staff training has greatly improved the experience of travelling by train for disabled passengers. If you will require assistance either at the station or on the train it is important to inform the railway company as soon as possible. Ideally …

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Travelling by Tram for Wheelchair Users

Trams as a means of public transport are making a come back across the UK, and other European cities, as local authorities realise the importance of reducing road traffic congestion. At present there are six tram systems in the UK and these are at: Birmingham, Nottingham, Sheffield, Manchester, Croydon and …

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Travelling by Taxi as a Disabled Person

For many disabled people who are unable to drive or use public transport, such as buses and trains, the use of taxis and private hire vehicles is essential in enabling them to get around. Both taxis and private hire vehicles are able to be booked in advance for a door-to-door …

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Golfing Holidays for the Disabled People

Golf has never been so popular and now, with advances in playing equipment, it is possible to be enjoyed by disabled and able bodied players alike whether as part of a holiday or at competition level. An adapted golfing buggy allows those players who are unable to walk or to …

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Tube Travel for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Modern rolling stock, refurbished stations and staff training have combined to make travelling by tube easier for passengers with disabilities. Passengers who are blind or visually impaired, to assist you on the tube, the Transport for London customer service centre have produced an audio version of the tube map and …

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Adventure Holidays for Disabled Travellers

Adventure holidays and activities, long regarded as no go areas for disabled travellers, are now changing to accommodate people of all abilities. These types of holidays are allowing people to enjoy activities with a difference compared to the average package break, which sticks to the tourist areas and often fails …

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Youth Hostelling as a Disabled Person

There are over 200 youth hostels throughout England and Wales operated by the Youth Hostel Association and their accommodation is open to everyone. People who have never stayed in a youth hostel probably have an image of a building with very basic facilities and not the kind of place one …

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Canal Holidays for Disabled People

With some of the most scenic canals in Europe, and a large network of waterways, canal boating holidays are an increasingly popular way to relax and get away from the stresses and strains of everyday life for disabled and able bodied boaters alike. Narrow boats, often wrongly referred to as …

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